Friday, July 20, 2007

No winner this year

I was browsing - social networking site for the fairies, stumbled upon a male 'something' pageant contest. Well, I tried typing the word b a e u y t, be au ty, bau ety... you see, it just won't come out correctly.

If I may over exaggerate just a little bit, I literally stumbled and was inches away from getting hit by a truck. A very huge truck.

I believe this is the second time they're running the contest. And, oh... mother said I can't comment on how people look, but who gives a shit anyways? I mean, come on, I think the judging criterion needs some revision. Or perhaps vision correction for the judges... Out of the 17 contestants, probably only one or two qualify for the contest counting from below, but the rest of the fillers are just too obvious, the fillers. This is a total waste of time for the site members, waste of organizer's resources, waste of sponsors' funding and it contributes to network congestion! Plus, don't tell me Malaysians are of that kind of standard?? In Cantonese, we call it "toh sui kah" or "humiliating the entire family".

Enough said, for your viewing pleasure:

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