Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Another Best Friend Signing Her Freedom Away...

We all believe that marriage is supposed to be *beautiful*, marriage is a compulsory stage of life, marriage is a brand new journey for two... To me, these stereotypical beliefs are slowly becoming more like fairy tales - somehow, it only happens or applies to certain couples in a certain way. Honestly, I can remember traumatizing stories of those surrounding me. So, if you need inspiration for marriage, forget it... I can only offer you real-life true stories as preparation for you to brave yourself taking one step ahead. And even myself don't get to host my wedding here, if only it happens one day.

Anyways, a friend just got married last weekend. And I was one of the bride's maids again. We traveled to Kuantan on Saturday, sent her off to the hubba's hometown at Mentakab. Had the earliest wedding dinner there, which started at about 3:00pm. As usual, we never missed the old-generation cabaret karaokes and towards the end there were a few drunkards on the stage singing songs (or tunes) that my grandparents wouldn't even recognize. Small town wedding... that's how it is.

It would be such a good idea to ban karaoke @ wedding ceremony in Kuala Lumpur. Or perhaps, strictly no uncles and aunties, because they only pay bloody RM10 and trailing behind them are 7 other family members. Free buff-fat!

Back to her wedding - tiring, but I'm really happy for her. I wish her all the best, and hope that's the right choice.

- Transforming into something *beautiful* -
- Forgot your ring? -

- Bride @ toilet break -


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